He walks with a limp, throughout the platform pacing around he remains calm

His ragged clothes and old ripped up shoes, was a sign that he needed a pound or two

The dirt on his face the line around his eyes, along with the stains on his teeth he smiles

Please, miss, he stretches one hand, I beg you a pound or two, she watches his gaze while

Searching her purse.  Oh, thank you he said as he nodded his head, making his way

                                                   To the next person insight

He moves through the crowd as everyone gathers around, catching the train on the underground

As he enters the train, I watch his pace moving away as if he was halfway through town

His tired frame looks battered and strained but he continues the mission he thought should be maintain

From carriage to carriage, he strolls begging each time stopping to greet the crowd who don’t seem to care he was there

He made a sudden stop as if he has forgot where he was, rubbing his hands over his face gazing wearily he sighs

His pondering expression grab my thoughts, as I saw that he was lost and alone no place to call his home

What had led him down this path, maybe he had it all but something horrible most have caused his downfall

He stood upright to make his move unexpectedly things took a turn as he sat down; his wrinkles eyes lit up in delight

He took a journey back in time nodding his head he smiles, I kept staring for a while thinking how you got to be here

As I left the train, I glance at him again his ragged clothes remained the same, but something inside him had made a change

Writer, Author, Poet

Paulette Graham

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